Generate More Leads with a Better Ad Mix Your most effective ad mix depends on how your future customers are searching for what you’re selling. When your leads have a problem you can solve, what do you think they search for? E.g. If 90% would search by your name and 10% by features, set the first slider to 90% and the third to 10%. Your product by name (e.g. ACME Photo Editor) 0% Your product's industry category name (e.g. Graphic design tools) 0% Your solution by its features and benefits (e.g. How to remove picture background) 0% The problem you solve by pains and complaints (e.g. Photo editor keeps crashing) 0% None of the above 0% Total: 0% What products or services would you like leads for? Optional: What else can you tell me about your customers and your Google Ads goals or frustrations, such as monthly ad spend, cost per click, cost per lead, and anything else that can give me more context. Business email Send me my Better Ad Mix By providing your email you're opting in to receiving communications from us, which we need to send you your results and other communications. Unsubscribe at any time by sending us an email with the word "Unsubscribe" as the subject line. Send (then scroll down for your ad mix guidelines) Inquisitive Marketer Inc. is based in the Greater Toronto Area. Please contact us by email or phone.